Differences between JavaScript and Java

Item JavaScript Java
How code is executed Interpreted, each line of code is translated to machine code as it is used  
How the language is used Interactive within a web page  
Code structure flexible, in HTML tags, <script> or .js files  
Starting code function start( )  
Variable naming rules Start with a letter, use numbers, letters, underscores.  
Variable types var x;
variables can change type
all variables are declared with var
variables can be integer, float, string
Global/local variables variables only exist inside the { braces } where they are declared  
Comments // for a single line
/* for multiple lines */
White space and style ; marks the end of a statement
{ curly braces } group statements together
indentation is good style, the computer doesn't care.
print out print("message");
println("the variable is " + x);
read in values


var wholeNumber =
var decimalNumber =
var words =


var wholeNumber =
var decimalNumber =
var words =

conditionals ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=, &&, ||
if(boolean condition){
else {
Repeat with condition
while (boolean condition){
Repeat a fixed number of times
for ( var i = 0; i< limit ; i++){
Math + - * / %  
Modularization Create your own functions.
function myFunction ( ) {
OOP syntax objectName.method(parameters)