Arithmetic Expressions

Operators: + - * / % ( plus, minus, time, divide, mod [ remainder after division])

Order of Operations
            Same as math. What does this evaluate to?
(1+2) * 5 + 1 – 4 / 2 + 8 =

Variables and Literals:
variables and literals: Variables are names you make up to represent values of a certain type (char, int, double, boolean, String, etc.) Literals are fixed values ("hello", 75, 3.14159, 'x') Underline the literals:
totalCost = cost + (cost*0.05) – discount;
plural = word + “s”;

int vs double
If there’s no decimal in the problem, there’s no decimal in the answer.
Chop off (truncate any decimal part)

Variables that don’t change are called constants and use the keyword final. Make daysIinWeek a constant:

______ int daysInWeek = 7;

What do each of these expressions evaluate to?

  • 2 * 3
  • 8 / 2
  • 9 / 10
  • -7 / 3
  • 14 % 5

Given: int x = 5; double xx = 5.0;

  • x + xx =
  • xx / 2 =
  • x / 2 =
  • xx / x =

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