Notes on Methods by ____________________

  1. define and name a _______________
  2. write code for the _______________

A good behavior to turn into a method has a ________________ definition and is used ______________ in the program.

Fill in the similarities and differences between the main method and Jeroo methods:

Questions: Main method Jeroo methods
how many can you have?    
what you name it    
what order it executes    
can you instantiate (create) Jeroos here?    

Copy the code for the turnAround method What is GOOD about this method? List 3 things.

method turnAround







What does the main method look like
that would call this method for a Jeroo
named Bert?
method main(){ 
   Jeroo Bert = new Jeroo();

True or False?: One method can use another method. _______________

A complete definition for a behavior includes:

Which things can happen as the result of a Jeroo method? (cross out all that are FALSE)