MrsOCHow to Use Jeroofor Java in your CS classroom
Here are the island files zipped up (put them on a shared drive for students to use)

Each section of Jeroo is introduced with a PowerPoint presentation that has accompanying notes for students to fill in during the presentation followed by one or more hands-on labs and activities using Jeroo.

0- Know the Environment

PowerPoint with notes

Additional Student Handouts

Labs for Students to do

Additional Activities

Multimedia examples and explanations Warm-ups
(short, mini-exercises ideal to start a class discussion)

Introduction to Jeroo ppt notes


Lab 0 - design your original letter island

The story behind Jeroo
Un-jumble the significant terms

Demo 0: Watch an Island being designed

An introduction


1- Create a Working Program

PowerPoint with notes

Additional Student Handouts

Labs for Students to do

Additional Activities

Multimedia examples and explanations Warm-ups
(short, mini-exercises ideal to start a class discussion)

01-Jeroo Code
ppt notes

Programming preparation paper for Lab 1.

Lab 1: Pick a Flower.

Challenge: Lab 1b: Walk Across

Explore: What-if #1

A quick crossword of program terms

Demo 1: Watch a program running where?, Jeff


2- Use the IDE and language to solve problems

PowerPoint with notes

Additional Student Handouts

Labs for Students to do

Additional Activities

Multimedia examples and explanations Warm-ups
(short, mini-exercises ideal to start a class discussion)

02-OOP features of the Jeroo language
ppt notes

Vocabulary and intro to concepts
ppt (mini-quiz on last slide)

Lab 2a: Island N warmup

blank graph paper

Lab 2a: Island N

What-if #2
A crossword of terms, with a cryptogram review of the same terms and a wordlist to fill in for study notes

Different kinds of errors and how to fix them. swap (test each other's answers to see if they work!), OOP syntax

Prepare for using the features of OOP

Lab 2b exercises:
Letter J, Lake Island, The Relay

Find the Errors

Do you know your vocabulary? Test yourself with the Vocabulary jumble puzzle

Help with debugging. (This will help with the Find the Errors activity) what letter?, syntax errors, shortest path


3 – Divide programs into sections

PowerPoint with notes

Additional Student Handouts

Labs for Students to do

Additional Activities

Multimedia examples and explanations Warm-ups
(short, mini-exercises ideal to start a class discussion)

03-Using Methods
ppt notes



Lab 3a: Rewrite the code as methods

Choose other programs to break into logical section with methods.

  what if#3, what if #4 (use this puzzle to enter your answers to what if#4)

Follow the bee

Lab 3b: Spelling Bee
Lab 3c: Island N Using Methods, Skinny Island,

Twisted island ( under construction)

How the spelling Bee works syntax errors

4 – Control program flow with loops and conditionals

PowerPoint with notes

Additional Student Handouts

Labs for Students to do

Additional Activities

Multimedia examples and explanations Warm-ups
(short, mini-exercises ideal to start a class discussion)

04- Loops and Conditions ppt notes

Practice on writing conditions to do after you view the presentation and take notes

Lab 4a. Loops: Pick a row, Find Water, Circle Ring

Obstacle Course

An interactive preparation for the Obstacle course if warmup
Find the jeroo

04 part 2 – More Loops and Conditions
ppt notes


Lab 4b Challenge: Line Up, Loop Labs, Twisted island

crossword on loops and conditions with another review

  when do you stop?


5 - Writing complex programs

PowerPoint with notes

Additional Student Handouts

Labs for Students to do

Additional Activities

Multimedia examples and explanations Warm-ups
(short, mini-exercises ideal to start a class discussion)

05 - developing algorithms
ppt notes

Design algorithms on paper using stepwise refinement

Lab 5a: Garden planting , discuss some strategies

Labyrinth Islands, Navigate problem

Team Planting Watch how the program runs and develop your own problem statement and solution pickARow

06 - Using good style, comments and indentation
ppt notes

Make a plan to solve the zig zag lakes

Lab 5b: Complex Programs: Spiral Island and the betrothal, Two Friends Meet , and ZigZag Lakes

Disable centers

See the solution to Zig Zag lakes to help you spot the tricky parts. complex conditions


6 – Intermediate Activities

There are a variety of challenging problems in the Jeroo labs including: Hurdle Race, Pick All Flowers, The Maze, Walk the Lake . (These are from, D Sanders and B Dorn and E. Eddy)


7 - Very Advanced Activities

Clear the rooms (with a preparation exercise to do beforehand)
The Rescue Mission, a cooperative venture using multiple Jeroos
Rescue the Princess, DonkeyKong level 1, level 2 and level 3
Jeroo is all about using objects, procedures and loops with visual programming exercises
