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Complete this Kirchoff practice problem.

Calculate voltage and current for each part of the circuits and total resistance

  1. What is the total resistance in the circuit? _____
  2. What is the voltage drop and amount of current
    across each resistor?
      Voltage drop Current
  3. How much current is flowing at the point marked "X" at the bottom of the circuit? ________



  1. What is the total resistance in the circuit? _____
  2. What is the voltage drop and amount of current
    across each resistor?
      Voltage drop Current
  3. How much current is flowing at the point marked "X" at the bottom of the circuit? ________

Do this exercise on Ohm's and Kirchoff's

Ohm's Law and Kirchoff's Law

Calculate the resistance in this circuit

parallel circuit with 20,50 and 30 ohm resistors

Answer these questions

  1.  You have a black brown brown silver resistor, what is the smallest value it could have?
  2. I have a red-yellow-gray-gold resistor. What is the possible range for this resistor?