In the Shark Tank

How does a truly prepared entrepreneur approach investors so they can move from small scale manufacturing in their garage or basement to a full sized business?

What does it take to start a new manufacturing business? A good idea, a good plan and the money to make it happen.

Watch these 2 Shark Tank videos and answer the questions either on paper or in OneNote in the Manufacturing section.


Nasal Screens

  1. Describe the product.
  2. Why will it probably sell better in other countries than in the US?
  3. What did this man have ready that impressed the sharks and made him so well prepared?
  4. How much money did he ask for:? How much will he get?
  5. What will he use the money for?


Wurkin Stiffs

  1. Describe the product.
  2. What is required to manufacture this product? (what are the parts?)
  3. Why is this considered one of the best pitches in Shark Tank? What did the presenter do well?
  4. How much money did he ask for:? How much will he get?
  5. What will he use the money for?

If you had a great idea to pitch to the Shark Tank, what would you do to make a good sales pitch?

You can snwer these quesions in the Manufacturing section of your OneNote notebook or write them down on paper and hand them in.