Website review page

From the PAGES tab, add a new page to your website by clicking the +


Call it review

Click DONE


  1. Put Your Name Review on the top title
  2. Add a title below the main picture that says "THINGS WE HAVE DONE"
  3. Add a picture of a 3D model you created. (get a copy from the OneNote notebook if needed)
  4. Add a map showing where some renewable energy can be found in Southern Maryland.
  5. Add a YouTube video about how something is manufactured.
  6. Add text to describe the 3D model, renewable energy and manufacturing video are about.
  7. Add a picture of the cardboard chairs.
  8. Add text to give advice to a student for next year about what would be good strategies for design and teamwork when they build a cardboard chair.
  9. Add a section and describe a realistic transportation project you would like to do for the 4th quarter. Include a picture.